Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I run season.

11/26/13 – 3 miles, 6-0.25 hill intervals, 11:33min/mi


I really like “off” season. It gives me a chance to play around a lot more with my workouts without the pressure of making my pace time or getting in a certain number of miles each day. Today I decided to run hill intervals. This is a workout I’ve done before but it is brutal so I don’t do it very often. It consists of me going out to this particular road out in the country with a great number of hills. I’ve measured the length of each hill to be about 0.25 mile. Sometimes I run all the hills or I’ll pick one and repeat over and over like I did today. I start by taking a nice, easy jog up to the hill and then sprinting up it. Once I reach the top I take a little breather and take a nice, easy jog down to the bottom of the hill. Then I turn around and repeat the process however many times I decide for that particular day. Today I ran 6 hills. Total distance about 3 miles.


I forgot to mention that today it was 17 degrees outside but felt like 11 degrees with the 10mph wind. I was prepared. I had my thicker, moisture wicking fleece on, my gloves, thick socks, earmuffs with my shirt’s hood pulled up over the top and zipped up to cover my neck and my chin. By the time I got to the first hill, I still could not feel my face, my legs or my feet. Luckily my hill was somewhat guarded from the wind and I warmed up pretty fast.


As crazy as it sounds, I really enjoy running in cold weather. I think there are probably several reasons for this. For one, I really, really, really hate being hot. Secondly, my running journey began in November/December so I always feel nostalgic as I bundle up, step outside and see my breath in front of me. And like I said, generally, winter is my off season so running feels fun and free without the constraints of time, pace, miles, etc. Also, running in the cold is hardcore. Running in the cold carries the same feeling of invincibility as running in the rain.


If you don’t like running in the cold as much as I do, I completely understand. But here are a few things you can do to prepare and motivate yourself.


The right gear is essential. Invest in a good pair of athletic hooded sweatshirts, fleece, and other insulating fabrics. Shoes without a lot of mesh help keep your feet warm. Otherwise buy some thick socks. I run with earmuffs (that double as earphones!) and almost always wear something to cover the top of my head as well, like a stocking cap or a hooded shirt. As you know, the majority of the heat from your body escapes from the top of your head.
Warm up properly. I have heard several different running experts give this advice. Do some type of light activity while inside (cleaning, jumping jacks, yoga, etc.) to get warmed up and then the temperature outside won’t feel as cold.
Stay close to home. If any accidents were to occur, you don’t want to find yourself miles from home, stranded in the cold.
The goal is always to get yourself out the door. You can tell yourself you will only be out for a short run and then home. But I find that once you get out there you usually stay out and enjoy it.
Promise yourself a nice, long hot bath or shower after your run. Or a hot cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate.


All in all, I promise going out to run, regardless of the circumstances, will make you feel good. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. You will never once regret getting out there…even on bad runs, cold runs, hot runs, long runs. It’s all worth it!

Oh! And an extra hoorah for the day...I've already surpassed my yearly goal of 500 miles! 

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