I was really looking forward to a run in the rain today. But
as it turns out I picked the one hour during the day that it stopped raining.
This got me thinking about how, more often than not, in running and in life;
things don’t go according to plan. Years ago before my running journey began
unexpected circumstances would have sent me into panic mode. I did not know how
to deal with the unexpected (and therefore, life) and any deviation from my “plan”
felt like the ultimate failure.
It has taken some getting used to over the years but I have
finally come to embrace the unexpected. It is within these moments that people
really seem to flourish. Overcoming challenges can get you to a place you never
could have EVER planned to go. And I have to say, that running has solidified
this principal for me. This is where running is the perfect metaphor for life.
From my experience, when I am running, I am fully present in the moment. It has
taught me the valuable lesson to just go with it. When you set out to run in
the rain and then not a drop of rain falls, you just go with it. When you set
out to run on a perfectly sunny day and it starts pouring down rain, you just go
with it. When it’s negative zero outside with a foot of snow, you just go with
it. When you run out of water mid-run, you just go with it. When you have to
pee mid-run, you just go with it. Sorry for the TMI but you get the idea. You learn
that you have no other choice but to go with it and suddenly all the unexpected
circumstances that arise are no longer so scary. Example: in marathon #2 in Savannah, I
did not anticipate passing out on mile 20…obviously! But even in that moment, I
never entertained the possibility of not finishing. It was a slow and ugly
finish but I just went with it.
I can remember almost 4 years ago now when I laced up my
shoes for my first 6 mile run, the longest I had ever run at the time, all the
fears and questions going through my mind.” How am I going to run 6 miles? One
whole hour of running? What if I have to pee? What if I’m thirsty? What do I
eat? Do I eat? Can I walk? Where do I run? What if it’s too cold? What if it’s
too hot? What do I wear?” Trust me this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Chances are if you are not a runner and you’re reading my blog,
you have considered giving this “running thing” a try. Maybe you want to run
your first 5K? Train for a half-marathon? Train for a full? And chances are if
you haven’t started yet, then it’s because you have some of the same fears and
questions going through your mind. Here’s my challenge to you…just go with it.
I promise that once you embark on this journey the logistics of it all will
fall into place and when the unexpected arises, you just go with it. The best part
about this is that it bleeds over into your personal life as well. If you’re a “planner”,
a “perfectionist”, or just simply have trouble accepting change in your life,
maybe running is for you. What running has taught me is to be present in the moment, accept
things as they are, and yes, to…just go with it. I’m confident that it can do
the same for you.
Happy running!