Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I run for...the feeling.

9/14/13 - 21 miles - 4:00:47

This past Saturday I ran my second 20+ mile run of my marathon training. One more 20+ mile run to go. So excited! I wish that I could accurately convey what running 20+ miles feels like. To me, it is a feeling like no other. It is one of exhaustion and pain, but also joy and exhilaration.  As you all know, one of the main reasons I decided to start this blog was to inspire and motivate others. I want everyone to feel what I feel.  Running has truly changed my life. I went from being afraid of most things in life to feeling like there is nothing I cannot do. Once you run 26.2 miles, "I can't" is no longer part of your vocabulary.

Lately I've heard these questions a lot: How did you get started? Wasn't it hard? Or how did you get to being able to run that far? As you are reading this, you might be wondering to yourself the same thing. Or maybe you are thinking to yourself "Well maybe Amanda can do it, but I can't. I'm too [old, fat, busy, or insert any other inconsequential excuse here]".

As you may remember from my initial blog post, I used to live a sedentary lifestyle. I do not want to give the false impression that just deciding to go out and run and then doing it was easy because it was not. However, I am here to tell you that it does get easier. So to all of you beginners out there feeling frustrated at how hard it is to run just one mile….trust me, I get it. But remember this, you will only get out of it what you put into it. Getting started and reaching those milestones on my running journey came from making running a priority in my life. Sometimes running has to be more important that watching tv, having a glass of wine after a long, hard day, or even sleep. Believe me when I say that I have NEVER been disappointed by making the decision to go out and run. Even when it's raining or cold. Even when I'm sick or tired. Even when I feel like I have better things I could be doing. If I ultimately make the decision to go run, I am never disappointed. Take a second to think about how powerful that is!

Okay, beginners, one last thing. Bare with me on this analogy here…

Imagine you are a rock. Just sitting there in the middle of the road. This is you - not doing anything, not running, not exercising, taking no action, completely sedentary. It is impossible for this rock to move on its own. But rocks DO move don't they? However, not without any effort. Someone has to pick up and move this rock. Or someone has to kick it. Or maybe a car will push it to the side. Effort. Force. Encouragement. Call it what you will but the rock needs something, a catalyst, to make it move and keep it moving for that matter. And so it is the same for you - not doing anything, not running, not exercising, taking no action, completely sedentary.

To get started you need to put forth an effort. Make a goal. Dedicate yourself to that goal. Make it a priority in your life.

Right now you might be thinking "It's not worth it." Okay then decide, what's your limit? What's your boundary? Becoming 10 pounds overweight? Or 100? Getting out of breath walking up the stairs or getting out of breath walking to your bedroom? Feeling sick from time to time or always being sick and needing medication? Stressed out after a busy week or feeling anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed on a daily basis?

Guess what? It IS worth it. So go out and do something! I obviously endorse going for a run but it honestly doesn't matter as long as you're active, healthy and happy.

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