Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I run for...the unexpected.

I was really looking forward to a run in the rain today. But as it turns out I picked the one hour during the day that it stopped raining. This got me thinking about how, more often than not, in running and in life; things don’t go according to plan. Years ago before my running journey began unexpected circumstances would have sent me into panic mode. I did not know how to deal with the unexpected (and therefore, life) and any deviation from my “plan” felt like the ultimate failure. 

It has taken some getting used to over the years but I have finally come to embrace the unexpected. It is within these moments that people really seem to flourish. Overcoming challenges can get you to a place you never could have EVER planned to go. And I have to say, that running has solidified this principal for me. This is where running is the perfect metaphor for life. From my experience, when I am running, I am fully present in the moment. It has taught me the valuable lesson to just go with it. When you set out to run in the rain and then not a drop of rain falls, you just go with it. When you set out to run on a perfectly sunny day and it starts pouring down rain, you just go with it. When it’s negative zero outside with a foot of snow, you just go with it. When you run out of water mid-run, you just go with it. When you have to pee mid-run, you just go with it. Sorry for the TMI but you get the idea. You learn that you have no other choice but to go with it and suddenly all the unexpected circumstances that arise are no longer so scary. Example: in marathon #2 in Savannah, I did not anticipate passing out on mile 20…obviously! But even in that moment, I never entertained the possibility of not finishing. It was a slow and ugly finish but I just went with it. 

I can remember almost 4 years ago now when I laced up my shoes for my first 6 mile run, the longest I had ever run at the time, all the fears and questions going through my mind.” How am I going to run 6 miles? One whole hour of running? What if I have to pee? What if I’m thirsty? What do I eat? Do I eat? Can I walk? Where do I run? What if it’s too cold? What if it’s too hot? What do I wear?” Trust me this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Chances are if you are not a runner and you’re reading my blog, you have considered giving this “running thing” a try. Maybe you want to run your first 5K? Train for a half-marathon? Train for a full? And chances are if you haven’t started yet, then it’s because you have some of the same fears and questions going through your mind. Here’s my challenge to you…just go with it. I promise that once you embark on this journey the logistics of it all will fall into place and when the unexpected arises, you just go with it. The best part about this is that it bleeds over into your personal life as well. If you’re a “planner”, a “perfectionist”, or just simply have trouble accepting change in your life, maybe running is for you. What running has taught me is to be present in the moment, accept things as they are, and yes, to…just go with it. I’m confident that it can do the same for you.

Happy running!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

I run

This week is cause for celebration! It's the first week of marathon training! Yippee! Right now I'm feeling hopeful, motivated, and determined. I always feel like the first week of marathon training is the ultimate indicator for how the next 4 months will go. Here's a run down of week 1...

Monday - Cross Training
Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - 5 miles
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - walk
Saturday - 5 mile pace run
Sunday - 8 miles

This week's cross training consisted of walking. I usually stick to either walking, cycling, or yoga for my cross training days. Each have their unique benefits to marathon training but any form of cross training is absolutely essential. First and foremost is aides in injury prevention and muscle recovery. When you devote so much time to one sport - running - this can lead to overuse injuries. Last year I experienced this firsthand with my plantar fasciitis. So switched gears 1-2 times a week can give those overworked muscles a break and allow for healing. Plus it breaks up the monotony of just running. I've really grown to love cycling over the last couple years, even entertaining the idea of possibly doing a triathlon in my future.

Today's run was my mid-week 5 miler. I opted to run on the treadmill today because the temps would be climbing into the low 90s . Normally with the summer heat and humidity I just get up super early (I'm talking 3 or 4am) for my runs. But unfortunately midweek, since my husband works overnights, I do not have the option to do this. I was fueled by the excitement of beginning my marathon training this morning and pushed myself to go a little faster than I have been the last couple months. Success! I average about 9:44 min/mi. This is actually close to my goal "race pace" for the marathon this year. Gotta get that PR!

So technically, with only 2 runs into my marathon training, I'm feeling quite confident. I think the next 4 months will go smoothly, hitting my pace and mileage goals along the way. Even though this is my 4th time around (I still can hardly believe this) I know this will be a brand new journey.

I know I've already made my first plea for donations for the American Cancer Society but now that marathon training is underway be prepared for more mentions of this as well!  You can donate to the American Cancer Society on my personal Team DetermiNation fundraising page. Just click this link... Cancer Sucks. Any amount that you would be willing to donate would be greatly appreciated and do it now while you're thinking about it!! Thank you all for joining me on this journey again!

Happy running,

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I run for...fulfillment.

...for fulfillment!

Today is National Running Day!! I logged my 6 miles this morning on the treadmill while watching the documentary Desert Runners. This movie inspired me to write this blog post today because I think my goals have changed quite a bit from when I started training for my first marathon. I’ve said many times that my first marathon was for me, to prove to myself that I could do it. Well, now I know I can do it. I’ve done it 3 times!! My continued pursuit of running, training for marathons, and pushing myself farther now comes from something innate within me.

In the beginning posts of this blog, I talk about the person I used to be; always scared of life. I felt crippled by my inadequacies and therefore, frozen in time, unable to move forward. It was no easy task working through this. It was a journey that took several years; several years of soul searching and rediscovery that ultimately made me who I am today. I’ve learned a lot about this “new” me over the years and my triumph over training and running my first marathon has taught me that my running adventures fulfill me. 

Every run is an adventure. Every race. Every marathon. No one run is ever the same as the last. I discover new things about myself on a run ALL. THE. TIME. It still amazes me although I should be used to it by now. Today as I was running, watching Desert Runners, I felt something stir deep inside of me. There it was….that desire for more and more challenges, for adventure, for fulfillment. About Desert Runners: this documentary follows competitors attempting to run four desert ultra marathons (250Ks) in a year – a Grand Slam. (Watch it on Netflix!) To most, this sounds absolutely insane. Not me. I am truly inspired and stirred by my desire for adventure to go out and do this. Seriously. As I was watching this movie, I would get so emotional watching them start and struggle and then ultimately finish the race. I know that feeling! It’s something that is absolutely indescribable. But you see it in fellow runners, fellow adventure seekers. It’s what drives us. It’s what drives me.

I will probably not set out next year to do this Grand Slam but as crazy as it sounds, it is a goal of mine. I would definitely like to get my feet wet this year doing an ultra – a 50K perhaps or a 24 hour race. My list of goals, challenges, adventures, seems never ending. I want to do it all and nothing can stop me!

Not rain...
Nor snow...

Nor heat...

Nor injury!

I will persevere because I am a runner!
Happy National Running Day!