Saturday, August 17, 2013

I run for…my life.

Today marks my first blog post. First I want to tell you what this blog is all about. Running! And so, I feel like it is important for you to know how my running journey started.

I officially began my running journey in November 2011. Prior to this date I had run before but my runs were few and far between. The longest distance I ever ran was about 4 miles. Fast forward to November 2011. My husband went to the doctor for a check-up and received some pretty scary health news - pre-diabetic, high blood pressure, obese. I did not have to go to the doctor to realize I was in the same boat. We lived a pretty vegetative lifestyle, full of fast food and inactivity. At the time he was 30 years old and I was 27 and we had a son that was not yet 2 years old. That's what inspired me to start my running journey. I wanted (and still want) to have a long, healthy life and be there for my son. More importantly I wanted (and still want) my son to grow up making better choices and living a long, healthy life as well. I needed to be an example for him. My husband felt the same way and so it began.

I will never forget my first run. It was HARD. It was just around my block, which is approximately 1 mile. I had to stop to walk several times. That first run, just 1 mile, took me at least 20 minutes to finish. In the days following that run, my legs, my back, my sides, my everything hurt. I was incredibly out of shape. It is extremely difficult to look back on those days. I'm ashamed at how far I let myself go. However, it serves as a wonderful reminder of how far I've come and I hope that by sharing my story it can serve as motivation and inspiration for so many others.

Last year (October 2012) marked a huge milestone. I ran my first marathon (see above pic). The journey to that finish line was full of ups and downs but I persevered and finished! I really thought that after my marathon I would check it off my Bucket List and move on but NO! As of today, I am right smack in the middle of my training for my second marathon. This year has presented with a whole new set of obstacles but I will not give up. I love running too much and I hope to share that love through this blog. Feel free to comment, offer love and support and encouragement (much needed!), and ask all the questions you desire. I want to share what I've learned these last two years and what I continue to learn

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